Monday 21 November 2011

Penang :)

  Hi everyone, didn't update my blog for a long time. >< Last Friday, I went to Penang with Jia Wen, Ywi Thong and Sharon until yesterday. We went there for marathon. At the first day, we went to Queensbay Mall. We bought a same shirt respectively. It's red! After that, we have lunch at Winter Warmer. The food there...hmmm, it is delicious,but too many! Here is some photo of our food! :)

Jia wen's drink

Sharon's drink

My drink
Ywi thong's drink
Sharon's food
My food
Ywi thong's food
Jia wen's food
Hahaha! This is lavander cheesecake. It smell good but the taste is too "flower".
It's free. It's delicious too. Mango pudding!
      After that, we went to Gurney Plaza. We went to Red Box! We are high at that moment. xD We take off our shoes and stand on the sofa, we almost insane when singing '那些年'. :P We stay at Red Box about 4 hours! We have break our record! Woohoo! It was fun! We pay Rm 10++ per person, that is student price! After k we back to our apartment. The apartment is just beside the Gurney Plaza. After bath, we watched tv show that is 'my princess' at 8.30pm together. 9.30pm, we only walked to Gurney Plaza to settle our dinner. But that time we are very disappointed, cause almost all the restaurant there was close. And we were very hungry! :( So, we went to Mc Donald!

Our dinner! (Mc Donald)
   Second day, we went to Batu Feringgi! Four of us got played the banana boat! It was stimulate! =D Sharon and Jia Wen still got played the others. But Ywi Thong and me just played the banana boat,cause the others was expensive! >< After that, We went to Gurney Plaza again! And we also went to Red Box again about 4 hours! After that, we went to watched 'You Are The Apple Of My Eye'! We are so excited! Cause we were in! But it was a funny case! At the room, we start to feel weird. Cause we saw some adults bring their children in together,then we check the ticket. That time really is OMG,cause we were in a wrong room! We run out from the wrong room to the right room. But luckily the movie didn't start yet while we were in the right room. The movie is nice! And that night, our dinner are Maggi instant noodles. We ate at the beach in front of the Gurney Plaza, it's romantic! Hahaha! =P

   The third day, that's marathon day! We wake up at 4am and the marathon is start at 6am! There were a lot of peoples take part. At first it was fun, but it was tired and muscle pain cause it was 10km!

My name is Ong Hui 'Shiang' ! Wrong already! Ong Hui Shian laaaa!!!!! :(
    It was a wonderful trip! I hope I still can take part in the next year! =D



  1. arr!!!You watched 'you are the apple of my eye'?!?
    not below 18 years old cannot watch meh?

  2. Yaya. I watched it! Hehehe~ How to say leh? Maybe we lucky gua. They didn't check the ic. So we're in! xD

  3. Ya lo ya lo~So excited dao go in the wrong room ><
    Luckily Sharon ask Jia Wen wad room we in...Abo we will sit there and watch---Puss in Boots....
